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IMMEDIATE Fashion School ATX 2019 artist leaders

Our Leaders: Sonita Haynes, April Garcia, Cynthia Muñoz, Andie Flores, Drew Riley, Tina Sparkles, Jack Kaulfus, Jess Bee, Graham Cumberbatch, Stephanie Page, Jenny Parrott, Kimmothy Cole, Emily K Hanks, Niku Arbabi, Olivia Hayes & Eboni Staten.

The Summer 2019 iteration of IMMEDIATE Fashion School took place in Austin, TX during the entire month of June and focused on storytelling and its relationship to activism in the realms of gender and race. We read about and discussed these two intertwined realms through the lens of fashion & cultural studies, while also considering intersectional views, politics, pop culture and activism. We examined activism itself from micro to macro perspectives, and made connections to creative activism via the art of storytelling and its diversity of expressions. Special emphasis was placed on lost, erased and untold stories of the past; as well as experiments in narrative survival into the future. Throughout it all, we played and created with artist led workshops that were directly tied to our discussions.  Check out our collaboratively compiled syllabus.

Our workshops:

These events were funded in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

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Funded in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

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